we are proud to have 13 chapters across Tennessee

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austin peay state university

Chair: Thomas Pyron

Contact: pyronthomas@gmail.com

Belmont university

Chair: Emma Curtis

Contact: emma.curtis@bruins.belmont.edu

carson-newman university

Chair: Carson Palmer

Contact:  Ckpalmer@cn.edu

Cumberland university

Chair: Josh Page

Contact: jpage46@students.cumberland.edu

East Tennessee State University

Chair: Mason Mosier

Contact: mosierm@mail.etsu.edu | 423.943.9007

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Freed-Hardeman University

Chair: Luke Foster

Contact: luke.foster@students.fhu.edu

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KIng university

Chair: Jordan Dixon                                                                   

Contact: jbdixon2019@gmail.com | 276.608.6641

NEW: Lee University

Chair: Brandon Newell

Contact: bnewell@leeu.edu | 423.762.6278

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middle tennessee state university

Chair: Taylor Remy

Contact: tjr1998@gmail.com | 703.403.4064

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rhodes college

Chair: Dietwin Smoli

Contact: smodj-22@rhodes.edu | (786) 451 - 5108

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the university of the south

Chair: Peter Seiffert

Contact: seifepv0@sewanee.edu 

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tennessee tech university

Chair: Joshua Richardson

Contact: TNTechCR@gmail.com

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union university

Chair: Caelan Davidson

Contact: caelan.davidson@gmail.com | 423.508.4629

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university of memphis

Chair: Max Bonner

Contact: maxbonnerjr@gmail.com

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university of tennessee

Chair: Elijah Boatwright

Contact: eboatwri@vols.utk.edu

Vanderbilt University

Chair: Noah Jenkins

Contact: vandygop@gmail.com